MathGPT: The Ideal Choice for Tutoring Centers
MathGPT boosts the efficacy and efficiency of any STEM tutoring center, large or small. Our software doesn’t replace tutors, it makes them better! With over 50,000 tutoring hours delivered so far, MathGPT is accurate, reliable, and ready to go.
Tutoring Center Benefits:
- MathGPT serves as a helpful co-pilot during tutoring sessions, providing alternate explanations when needed
- Existing tutors get their skills refreshed constantly, and at no additional cost
- MathGPT generates additional practice problems, reducing administrative burdens on tutors
- MathGPT’s AI tutor covers gaps when a tutor is unavailable, giving students 24/7 support
Interested in learning more about how MathGPT can benefit your Tutoring Center?
Contact us and we’ll get back to you!